The pic at the top of my blog is of me and Allen holding Braeden. It would be wrong of me not to mention that the picture is a little misleading when it comes to our relative height (which as you know in brother world, is a pretty big deal); I'm benefiting from standing on a hill while Allen benefits from a 1/4" advantage in real-life. I look forward to the day when he is 68 and shrinking while I'm 64 and holding steady!
Allen and my sister Jess (we dropped that -in-law bit a long time ago) are amazing parents in just about every way, especially when it comes to taking care of my little guys' health. The only area where they fall short is in bringing my nephews to visit me more often - ahem - but there is plenty of time to improve upon that. They both also happen to be spectacularly creative with the visual arts. I, on the other hand, am very much lacking in that area so you'll find me stealing their media creations throughout the summer and fall - below are the first of many!
JDRF Ride to Cure 2011 Kickoff from Jessica Rogers on Vimeo.

Braeden likes to call himself Big B - have to love a five year old's humility :) In my personal opinion though, it is well deserved. It's also important to point out that those are my brother's sculpted legs and not my own - mine are much more chickenesque. Good thing I've got a few more months to train!